Friday, June 27, 2008

Open letter to Mats Sundin

Hello Mats,

Can I call you Mats? I hope this doesn't offend you. The last thing I would want is to be responsible for you not signing with Montreal. I'm writing this in the hope it can help you take your decision.

I've heard rumours that your first choice could be the New York Rangers. How could this be? It's a well known fact that this organization hates orphans and puppies. On the one side you have a loving and caring organization like Montreal that saves puppies and orphans all the time. On the other side you have an organization that stands for evil and everything that's wrong in this world.

I would think that if you are the decent and good person I know you to be, you will chose Montreal.

It's really important you take your decision soon. Life in Montreal is at a stand still. The streets are deserted and people are running out of food. Normal life will only resume once your decision is taken.

Please Mats. Go with your conscience and take the right decision but just don't forget the orphans and puppies.

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